Let’s assume you have a workstation (or a pc) at office. For some various reasons, you don’t have VPN ability to your corporate network. But you want to have remote access to your office workstation, by this way you can work remotely. This was my case and I installed a LAN over internet with hamachi, I added office workstation and home laptop to the same network, I connected to my office workstation with ssh and did all my job. So this is how I did it!

Office workstation is a 64 bit debian 8.10 desktop. Home laptop is a 32 bit debian 9.3 Here Hamachi download page for GNU/Linux. You can find both x86/x64 packages, download and install.


$ wget https://www.vpn.net/installers/logmein-hamachi_2.1.0.174-1_i386.deb
$ sudo gdebi logmein-hamachi_2.1.0.174-1_i386.deb


$ wget https://www.vpn.net/installers/logmein-hamachi_2.1.0.174-1_amd64.deb
$ sudo gdebi logmein-hamachi_2.1.0.174-1_amd64.deb

Note: Alternatively, you can use sudo dpkg -i in order to install deb packages. Also hamachi documentation contains How to Install the Client to a Local Computer section with some details.

If you’re using an rpm based distribution like fedora or centos:


$ wget https://www.vpn.net/installers/logmein-hamachi-
$ sudo rpm -ivh logmein-hamachi-


$ wget https://www.vpn.net/installers/logmein-hamachi-
$ sudo rpm -ivh logmein-hamachi- 

After installation you can check version:

$ sudo hamachi --version

If everything is ok, you will see version with an overview of actions.

On host computer (in my case office workstation) log into your LogMeIn account and go online:

$ sudo hamachi login

Display the details and the current status of the client:

$ sudo hamachi
  version    :
  pid        : 26771
  status     : logged in
  client id  : 221-094-578
  address    :    2620:9b::1942:7d45
  nickname   : onian
  lmi account: -

Create a network on host computer:

$ sudo hamachi create onianofficelan
Creating onianofficelan .. ok

onianofficelan is unique id for your network. You can define any unique id to your network. Also you create a password for network. In order to join your network, other client must use this password with network name.

List available networks and clients connected to them:

$ sudo hamachi list
 * [onianofficelan]  capacity: 1/5, subscription type: Free, owner: This computer

As you see, our subscription is free and it supports up to 5 peers in free mode.

On remote computer (in my case home laptop) log into your LogMeIn account and go online as the same as host computer: $ sudo hamachi login Then join to network which is created by host computer:

$ sudo hamachi join onianofficelan
[sudo] password for onuryilmaz: 
Joining onianofficelan .. ok

After join, the status of network is:

$ sudo hamachi list
 * [onianofficelan]  capacity: 2/5, subscription type: Free, owner: onian (221-094-578)
     * 221-094-578   onian                  alias: not set           2620:9b::1942:7d45                          direct      UDP

Now, we’re in the same network with office workstation. If you have configured SSH server with X11Forwarding yes option from /etc/ssh/sshd_config, you can connect to remote computer by ssh with -X option:

$ ssh -X onuryilmaz@
onuryilmaz@'s password: 

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You have new mail.
Last login: Sun Feb  4 17:28:50 2018 from

With -X option, you can use desktop applications as well as command-line applications. Desktop applications will be forwarded to your desktop as in remote desktop, VNC or team viewer session. In conjunction with compress -C option it will be faster on slow connections (for example, on slow internet), but if you have a local fast network (for example, lan or intranet) it won’t work better, because compression/decompression is a CPU cost. So use -C option cautiously.

But this method will be better!

Happy coding.

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